Flatland jams are hard to come by nowadays even in the outdoors during good weather, competitions even more scarce. When Southbridge Bicycles co-owner Jon Demers of Stolen Bikes and Inopia fame put out invites to everyone for a indoor flatland jam with bands and brews for the over 21 crowd, I knew I had to roll up and check it. I’m not sure if many of you know but Massachusetts is the birthplace of organized BMX freestyle events. No lie, no hype. It just is. A guy by the name of Ron Stebenne had the first comps in the north east there in the early days of 1985 even brining the OS AFA finals there in 1985. The New England area bred talent. (Still does.) So…for a long time NJ riders (yep, me included) have hit the trail to Mass. state to have a good time. It was great to be back up there, now as a sorta old BMXer and able to enjoy not just riding and seeing everyone but also to enjoy the area’s natural beauty (yea, it’s a nice state, cool stuff to see..jeesh!). I’m doing a full write up of this jam for issue 6 of BMXNJ magazine but for right now, I have a few shtos I took from the jam that aren’t in the mag right here and these two gents, Rick MacDonald and Rich Slezak dropped two nice edits of the jam this week. The next time Southbridge Bikes and Mill Street put out word there is a jam, I definitely recommend getting yo’ butt up there and rolling the wheels. Look for Mannie Nogueira, son of OS BMX legend Steve Noqueira, Jared DiChiara, Luke Malone, Steve Jordan, Shane Reed, Arin Roso, Andrew Parrish, Rick MacDonald, Jim Cavanaugh, Will Wolfe, Sunny Singh, Andy Dusziak, Downtown Freddy Brown, Rich Slezak, Roy de Guzman making the tricks happen in these vids. For my shots of the jam click here, I also recommend friending Southbridge Bicycles on Facebook as they have an awesome gallery of photos on there from pro photog, Matt Francis.
BMX Flatland Winter Jam took place on December 2nd 2011 in Southbridge Ma at Mill Street Brews.
Huge thanks to Southbridge bicycles, Mill Street Brews, the bands; Triforium Dawn, Shred Of Salvation, Gutta and Kobra Kai and all the riders and fans and for putting on a killer show! ~Rich Slezak~
Big thanks to our hosts and everybody who came from NY, NJ, CT, RI and all over MA to ride with the devil!!!!!
I didn’t spend lots of time behind the camera, but this shows you the overall vibe…good times! ~Rick MacDonald~