For those of you who weren’t checking things out, we did have a little spring-summer kickoff day at BMXNJ HQ a week ago. We invited anyone out who wanted to chill and ride a bit and also to be a guinea pig on the new dirt jump that’s here. We had a pretty good time with a smattering of BMX racers, flatlanders, dirt riders, street guys, OS peeps and just plain BMX people. Bill Hayden, Matt Stroud, Luis Garcia, Mike Paton and his bud Mike, Ken and Kendall as well as a few other peeps stopped by to b.s. and scope out the new flatland area and jump. We got some good feedback on what should be done to make things more shreddable and will be implementing them in the near future. Mike Paton gets the award for being the first (and last no doubt, LOL) BMXer to clear the tabletop as we are cutting the length down a bit for the next jam. Matt Stroud, Keth, Ken and his bro all got busy on the flat area and although it is a bit small, the fact that it is right next to a BBQ grill helped things out a bit. Luis Garcia was good enough to take some shots and send them over. Those are what ya see here, so all photo creds go to him.
We’ll be doing more BBQ-Jams over the summer and fall so stay tuned to BMXNJ for details. Now go ride cho dang bykesikkel.