Well…this is it. I’ve had the banner up on the site for the whole winter. I got the idea from Greg and well… quite frankly full credit goes to Brian Biel for taking the reigns and making the first ride happen in Asbury Park this past April! I’m gonna try to make this a bit of something special for all the guys who welcomed me back to the scene and have gratiously contributed to the site over the years and to those who have stuck with BMX itself through all the years in the state. First up, I’m inviting all the guys who are out there promoting and doing stuff for BMX in the state to my place to do a little early afternoon BBQing and b.s.ing about how we can make stuff better for BMX in the state. So from about noon to 3:00 o’clock anyone who wants to bring some ideas to the table is welcome to come by my place, 461 Silverton Rd in Brick, NJ and shoot the BMX sheeot. We’ll have some beverages (non alchoholic, we’re not drinkers over here, LOL, plus we’ll be out riding later) and a bit of food to chow down on.
Then after that. We’re gonna do a little ride and chill over to Point Pleasant to grab some more food, and just generally enjoy the Jersey Shore in mid summer. It’s chill 8.5 miles from my house to Point that wraps up over and around Bayhead out on Long Beach Island. For anyone who isn’t into coming to the meeting at my place can meet up at Drum Point School, where the Brick publick skate park is. Apparently they let bikes in as there is always a herd of riders in there. It’s a small place, just right for some of the older guys to do a bit of riding and relaxing.
So the plan is to meet up near my place and head on down the road about 4:30 or so and on into Point. Click here for a Google map of the ride itself. Along the way we’ll manual, jump curbs, laugh and bust each other’s chops. Mainly though, we’ll just have a good time. There are plenty of places in Point to eat and chill so it should be a cool time.
This will be my first time doing something like this, so I have no idea how it will turnout or if it will be real cool or just a WTF was I thinking moment, but from what I see with all the guys I know, it should be the beginning of something interesting at the very least.
So, come on down to the shore, ride, laugh and remember why you started BMXin’ in the first place.
To have a good time.
PS: Everyone is welcome, racer, flatland, street, ramp, 24″, 26″, 20″. If you ride or rode, come on out, ’cause you are what it is all about.
See you on the 27th!
(oh if you need to hit me up, email or text me at brett@bmxnj.com or 7323007936)
Some Video of Brick Skatepark with Kyle Emerson