The best thing that could have happened to BMX in Central NJ is the opening of The Incline Club. Once again the Cranmers opened their doors and let us bunch of unruly BMXer men and mennettes in for a day of BMX fun and innuttity,(ok, I made that word up) The event? The 2006 NJ BMX State Series Awards. Yea, another season has passed us by and it was time to give those hard berm busting ridearinos their just desserts, and man there was a LOT of desserts. Pete “wogs” Woglemuth was able to get some 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place podiums built for the awards and a banner was hung by the wall ride to give the 2 wheeled wonders more props. The food was wall to wall, and killer and almost all home made! Everyone left there stuffed and on a major sugar high from the desserts, see above, lol! CJBMX had their 25th anniversary DVD playing throughout the day and interestingly enough, people were actually stoked to see it!
Vinny was looking like a proud poppa all day long. Hehe. All of NJ’s best were in attendance, well most of NJ’ best, the 18-21 expert class was noticeably absent, possibly off celebrating in their own way, ah to be 18 again. Around 11:30 the name calling got underway, but enough about Ant-dog and the rest of the people in the crowd, let’s talk about the riders! Because that’s what it’s all about. Tom “more air” Martin was in the house getting the plate for 16-17 cruiser but was stressing more on whether anyone got footage of the BIG air he busted out at the Fall Classic. Yes, Tom and we’ll get it to ya. Farside was there picking up her big fat numbero uno for 2006 and she even let dad Rich tag along on her coattails. The Godino gals were there picking up the 1-2 in 6-7 gals. Heather Haugh took the plate for #1 in 16 over girls posed for the camera and took the podium next to Sarah Welsh for the year. Heather took one of, if not THE most horrific crashes of the year at EHT’s last race of the year and walked away like it was NOTHING. Crazy! Potential boyfriends, be aware, the lady is one tough number. Rock on! Young duders saw Kyle Dulock take the ace with J-Bomb Smith snaking the 2 for the year in 8X. Crazy Chris Koval graciously took the top spot for 9x for the year away from the Reszkowski-Cranmer show. All very cool little BMX bombers! Dale Maghan had a one man cheering crew as he stepped up and took the title for top 30-34 Expert in ’06. The fan mail may get crazy for this dad. 35 Over Expert saw T McMurray absent in action but Rich Farside was there to rip open that big ol number 1 earned WHILE he was still nursing some unhappy bones. Somewhere in the background Bennett and some old novice guy were rolling around over 3 and 4, lol! The little rookie dudes had a nice show of Hatem and Vliet with the 1-2 for 6 rookie. Ya don’t get much newer and younger than those lads! There’s been a new push for the ladies this past year and in 13 rookie it was Amanda Robbins taking the number 1 for the year. Show the guys how it’s done lady! Jay Nipe took his final rookie plate of his career and moved up to novice before the awards! Way to go Jay, that’s what it’s all about! Speaking of moving up it was Jeff Heath with the ace for the year in 16 novice another self move up in 2006 that ended up with a killer ending. One of the bigger classes of the year was 12 novice, a pretty heated battle but it went to Slick Nick Jones for the year, Kulish and bawush Jagusch got the 2 and 3. There was just too many stories to tell this year and I got just a very few of the highlights. Even brokenspokes.net got in on the festivities and gave out the first annual “Hans Stirley Love For BMX Awards”. Vinny Mannino and Janeen Welsh (it took me a year to remember it is Welsh and not Walsh, but at crunch time I got it right) took the honors as two people who show the same type of enthusiasm for BMX that the riders do. Thanks for accepting. The riders were rocking, more than a few were shocking. The feeling of enthusiasm that continued to build throughout the year really came to fruition at these awards. If anything can be said for this past year it would have to be that everyone, riders, parents and officials stepped up and raised the bar on how to get things done. We’re pedaling head strong into the run up year before we have BMX in the Olympics. However you feel about that, it is apparent that BMX WILL get major media coverage and we will have exposure unprecedented in our 30+ year history. Brokenspokes.net looks forward to working with everyone again in 2007 that is involved in BMX racing in NJ and hopes that everyone who came out for 2006 spends the winter going out and bringing 5 new friends with ya! Hit a ramp-park, pass out a flyer. Spread the brother and sister hood! See ya in 2007, brokenspokes.net!