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    lets take acount of how many riders dont make it up the hill tommorrow

    in reply to: Thinking of going racing tomorrow #29208

    rich you slay me

    in reply to: Ok, you guys made me do it, lol. Jump Poll #29175

    Hello, my name is Dale, and I’ve been a part of CJ BMX since 1980. I was 7 years old at the time. CJ has been a huge part of my life, and always will be. I’ve seen people come and go all the time, with plenty of input. But I will still be here long after you will. Brett, in your post to Karen you said that you couldn’t send a rookie to Howell. Who are you to send anyone anywhere or do a clinic? CJ is a great track to learn on, because it teaches riders what to expect on a National level.

    Every rider who started at CJ was a rookie, including myself, and a few National #1 riders all started at Howell. (This is coming from someone who is 90% sure will never jump those doubles, even though I helped build them and wanted them that big to help me get better). I am not a jumper – I never was and never will be. My point being is that every track has different aspects. Some are flat power tracks, some are jumper tracks. CJ has a little of everything. If someone is afraid to jump it they can learn to roll it or manual it. If CJ was a flat track, how do you expect to compete against other riders at other tracks? Sounds like you are the one who is SCARED of this jump, not all the other riders. Instead of creating all these posts, go to the track and practice manualing.

    On Friday night, the track was horrible and sandy. There was a 4 or 5 year old kid that signed up and got a license that night. He practiced all night and fell all night, and was covered in dirt. I imagine in another week he will be able to roll over the big doubles. So rest your mind about sending a rookie to CJ – if a 5 year old kid can learn, anyone can. And besides, we’ve made it this long without your input.

    I’m not one to make a statement and then backpedal and do damage control on a website. I shoot from the hip and I don’t bullshit – I tell it like it is. If you have any other questions, come and talk to me personally – I will be at CJ tomorrow. If you need some help with the second double, come ask me and maybe I can help you learn how to roll over them. Or maybe I can have Phil set up a clinic for you.

    Dale (CJ BMX lifer)

    in reply to: Ok, you guys made me do it, lol. Jump Poll #29152

    you guys complaning about our second jump are a bunch of ninnys have you ever been to another track outside of jersy go to orlando and see some real stuff or southpark there jumps make ares look like pimples.bmx is supposed to be hard if you dont like it go join the boyscouts wah wah babys from the chubby kid

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