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Bill and Ant, thanks. You guys will probably see me around the track this year, more than likely NOT on a bike though! Just too much on my plate and can’t afford the possibility of missing 3 and a half months of work again!!
CrazyCooterMemberI always wanted to have something in common with a BMX racer like Eric Rupe…. just wish it was racing ability and speed, not injuries involving head surgery!
CrazyCooterMemberI believe it was built in 1979, but not sure when the first sanctioned race was. But, don’t quote me on that.
CrazyCooterMemberThanks Chris for the prayers!! I’m doing better. I started physical therapy for my right arm at the beginning of this last week. Most of my memory has gotten better, wait, who are you? haha just kidding.. I still don’t remember anything from just prior to the crash until about 1-2 weeks after. The doctors and my Chief are telling me I can’t get back to the Firehouse to work for about 5-6 weeks. I am planning on stopping by the track tomorrow night to see everyone again and will try to drop by the State Qualifier also.
I appologize for not being at the track lately but, between doctors appointment, phys therapy, plain recovery and still trying to organize the rebuild on the house I’ve been alittle tied up. I do know that I can’t wait for 2007 to end!!! This year hasn’t been my favorite to say the least. COME ON 2008!!!
Anyway, thanks for asking and hope to see you and the rest of the crew soon.
Chris V.
ps: I’d also like to send out a BIG thanks to everyone that has stepped it up at the track and pretty much taken over since my absence! You guys are GREAT!
CrazyCooterMemberTommydone – Thanks for the vote of confidence and the nice comments. That was very appreciated!
Lee M. – Thanks for all the work and don’t forget, just cause I’m not at the track right now you can still get ahold of me via phone or email.
I’d also like to thank all the riders and family members that have contacted me to wish me luck in the past week or so. It’s going well, I still get kinda dizzy while moving around, speach is alittle slurred and I don’t have much stamina, but, I’m getting there!
Each day is better than the last. Thanks again and everyone remember……… BMX RULES!!!! Wink
CrazyCooterMemberPs: Don’t forget to go out to EHT and help out for the race tonight. I still can’t make it out to the track and they’re gonna possibly be short handed with the race tonight. So please, anyone that can help out, go to the track tonight and walk up to registration and tell them your there to help. I don’t know exactly, but I’ll make a guess they’re gonna need Corner marshals, scorers, an announcer (thanks to me, sorry), and any thing else that is needed to make the normal race go down. I’m counting on you guys to help the support of the track in my absense. And as always, any help is appreciated. Thank you.
CrazyCooterMemberFeeling better today. Just want to thank EVERYONE for the positive remarks and get wells! As far as the helmet goes, the worst part about it was my normal race (full face) helmet was in my truck but because I was just going to take an “easy” lap I chose to put the Pro-tek helmet that my son and I share on boardwalk rides on! You’d think after all the time I’ve spent riding in the years past I’d learn that there isn’t any so-called easy lap!!
As far as I’m doing, the thought process (normal brain thoughts) is still kinda slow and the pain level is stilll kinda high. The medication is helping that though. The facial reconsctuction has gone well, next dr’s appointment is this afternoon and we’ll be looking at the right elbow and wrist. Then we move onto the right upper leg which is still numb and quite discolored! But it’ll all get better in time i’m sure.I still want to thank Chris Whiley and Jessica D. for being there when the crash happened and for taking excellent care of me until the emergency services showed up. And I still want to tell them I’m sorry, I’m told that I WAS NOT the best patient in the world once I came back to consciousness!!
All in all, i feel very lucky. I have great friends that care, an awesome family that supports me and some killer kids that keep wanting to know how “daddy” is!! Thanks again to all of you that have come out to say your 2 cents and not to single anyone out but, Coughdrop, where the hell have you been!!!! Get you ass out here to the east coast soon!!!!
Talk to you all in a few days and thatnks again.
CrazyCooterMemberhi guys. just thought i’d say hi and thank everyone for they’re thoughts and prayers. I just got out of surgery today for some faceial reconstruct stuff. Dave, i used to be all abouut the open faced, but now i’m just glad i had a helmet on period. I don’t remember anything of the wreck or after, but am tokd i wasn’t avery good patient. haha. that’s all i rely have for now, i’m pretty drained but will try to talk again sometime later. Thanks again for everyone that’s been helping out and please support EHT, there gonna need it.
CrazyCooterMemberFor those of you that didn’t make it out to the race on the 2nd and would still like to help the Behm family, we will be passing the bucket around again this weekend at the June 9 Double Header as was announced at the last race. And as before, the track will match whatever is collected.
Victor Sr has been a big help to the track since he began his involvement in BMX. From announcing, corner marshalling, track maintenance, and just plain being out there offering up help. This is time for the BMX community to help a local BMX family in need.
CrazyCooterMemberI would like to thank everyone for helping out at the gate practice last night in my absence. Things have been alittle hectic on my personal end and haven’t had the time to get to the track. However, the track will be ready for the next race. Anyway, just wanted to send a thank you for running the gate practice and doing the much needed cleaning up around the track and everything else that was taken care of. Thanks again,
Chris Vliet
CrazyCooterMemberbuild a house in NJ that is worth way more than the mortgage you have.
sell it.
use profit to buy same size house in more tax payer friendly state.oh….
and you have to plan this about 10-15 years in advance.Does no one use crystal balls anymore?
Or just burn your house down, rebuild, and sell it for more that it was worth in the first place. I’ve got the first part down,….. just trying to figure the rest of that plan out!!!
CrazyCooterMember@ridinlow wrote:
jaylamoon/GENERALSCOOTER/EHT Track Director……
You talk a good game..but you’re both two-faced. I guess we can thank you guys for the great condition that the track is heading in, keep up the good work. Seems your focus is in all the wrong areas.
ridinlow… Any time you would like to come out and help at the track, I would be more than happy to accommodate you… food, drink, ideas…whatever you need. Since this season has started, I don’t know who “sent” you away, but it wasn’t me. I’m sorry you feel that way.
And by the way, any post that I have ever made has come from this user name, will come from this user name and I have always signed with my REAL name since Jul 16, 2006 when I joined. Check it Brett, and by all means, tell them if you find different.
Hope to see you out there!! And to all the regulars that come out and help at the track whether I’m there or not….. BIG THANKS!!! Couldn’t do it without you!! (Kim F., Glen M., Castulo M., Victor B., John K., Chris W., Janeen W., Nancy H., … and anyone else I’ve forgotten…… or “sent away”!)
Chris Vliet
Track DirectorCrazyCooterMemberI would like to clear the air about certain board members that are taking a little heat here.
As Track Director of EHT BMX, I asked two key individuals that work in our registration booth if we were ready for the open (i.e.: Registration info, who we give the check from the registered riders to, how the points are kept…. standard things to think about for this type of event). Since the first race would be ocurring at our track in three weeks, I thought it would be a good idea to be prepared for it in advance rather than wait till the last minute. Neither of these individuals had any idea that the series was finalized. Yes, a poster was posted on the outside of our Registration building that Rich F. asked me if he could post (which was a great looking poster if I may add). I said yes because I and the EHT BMX Assoc. Board all agree that this is an awesome idea to promote NJBMX. However, because these Ladies were IN registration or on the finishline scoring, they did not see, study, or maybe even read the poster. As board members of NJBMX they have specific duties.
The State Clerk will be doing the registration of the race because it is a State Qualifier, therefore she will be the one to verify that the non-pros are racing class also (NBL Rule Chapter 6 Sub B, which is also addressed in the Hyper Pro/Am rules), and they have to be in the computer in order to get a moto for the “open” printed out. The moto is part of the State Qualifier race, and insurance has to be paid for the riders in the race. It needs to reported to the NBL on the race report. The races obviously have to be run “in conjunction” with the regular motos, unless all riders involved in the open want to race 4 times in the span of approx 15 minutes (I as a “rider” don’t think that would be very effective).
The State Tresurer is in charge of the money collected at the State Qualifier. The money for the open should therefore be paid at registration, since it is being run “in conjunction” with the State Qualifier. If anyone other than the State Tresuerer is handling and keeping track of the money, she will turn it over to them from Registration (be it Rich or Glen) and both parties should get a receipt (after all, tracking of money is one of the “big” topics)
This being said, neither the State Clerk nor the State Tresurer were “informed” of any of this and if the State Commissioner and the Asst. St. Commissioner approved this series (which may I remind you IS a VERY good thing), THEY should have passed the info on to them as well as the Tracks involved. Yes, this series has been thrown around for a few months, but nothing was final at the last meeting. I was asked if I would support the series by Rich F. through a third party, I said “Yes”. That was the last I heard of it until I saw the poster and then checked the website (great website by the way).There is no “power trip”, no “clearance” from the state clerk was needed, the open “IS OFFICIAL”, but the communication about the series….. “the people who need to know, know”, maybe should have a broader spectrum of dispersal. Maybe I don’t need to know, but some other support personnel may have a need.
Once again, these individuals started asking questions because I wanted to be prepared for the Hyper Pro/Am event that is scheduled to take place on May 5 at EHTBMX and it will be a great series. They are NOT trying to cause problems with the event regardless of what anyone thinks. If anyone would like to talk more about my thoughts on this, feel free to pull my ear at the East Coast National at EHT BMX this weekend. I will be glad to talk with you, and I hope to see you down here!
Chris Vliet
Track Directormediocre rider/racer
CrazyCooterMemberNightmare confirmed……… EHT’s race is cancelled again today.
CrazyCooterMemberIt’s very sloppy and a race would completely tear the track up.