Forum Replies Created
March 17, 2006 at 4:32 pm in reply to: Batona Trail…Not Bmx but does anyone have knowledge of it? #28634bmxgirlmomMember
Don’t know too much about the trail other than it cuts through Tabernacle and Shamong Townships in southern Burlington County. Where are you picking up the trail? If you’re going to be near Batsto Village, stop in the Museum/Shop/Office and pick up a guide to the trail. It might have some info you could use.
bmxgirlmomMemberThe opens for Rookies sounds good. I unfortunately do not see it happening. We just don’t have that many riders renting helmets, and showing up on the WalMart bikes. Usually after the first race when the kid says “I love it” mom and dad immediately go out and deck the kid out in all the gear. After the 3rd race the kid is on a new bike.
Back when we had 60-70 motos at our locals it would have been a great idea but now with 20 motos +/- there just isn’t the rider base to handle it.
Let’s keep the idea there though in case ridership starts to really climb as the Olympics get closer.If the NBL would open the wallet and start advertising, or televising races again, I think that would do alot to increase ridership. Then we could start restructering the classes.
bmxgirlmomMemberUnfortunately the high school sports sanctioning body would still consider it money earned. We’ve had to deal with this very situation with girls who prior to Junior Women, would have had the possibility to earn money at Nationals. We posed many questions, such as if they placed and qualified for money in a class, but turned it down what would happen? If they are sponsored and receive a frame, what happens? Etc. In all cases, the fact that they could have, would have, or did receive compensation in any form, that would make them ineligible for high school sports and any scholarships that may come with it. NBL Bucks or ABA Saver Stamps are treated as a trophy since they have no value other than as a coupon for entries or parts. If a financial institution is involved it puts a cash value on the points and therefore becomes money earned whether the kid sees the cash or not.
bmxgirlmomMemberGood in theory, but for a lot of riders, accepting any kind of prize money whether they get the actual cash or it is put in an account for them, would make them ineligible to play any other sport in middle or high school. That was one of the major reasons most girls quit BMX when they turned 16 and had to go to Super Girl (now Elite Women). They couldn’t race and participate in any other sport because of the state’s “amature” clauses. When the NBL brought the classes in to alignment with the UCI and made the Junior Women’s class for 16-18 year old girls, it allowed the high school girls to stay in BMX and participate in their school sport, because Junior Women is a trophy class, not a money class. Same goes for the guys, if they play a school sport they are risking being disqualified from that sport by turning Super, Elite, or running the 16 & over Opens.
Alot of these riders must also make a token payment or get a letter signed by their team managers, that all equipment they receive from the team is “on loan” or was purchased by them for the duration of their membership on the team.bmxgirlmomMemberMost track directors will move up a kid who is blowing the doors off his comp. Makes for a very interesting evening or afternoon when the kid gets moved up and the parents are points chasers or trophy chasers.
And heaven forbid if the kid moves himself up without his parents permission. Then you get the screaming, lawsuit threats, and vicious gossip. Happened last year. Kid got moved back to Rookie when the parents threatened the NBL with a lawsuit. Then they screamed more when they found out he couldn’t be used on a team sheet until he moved back up.
Points and trophy chasing parents are what causes the huge Rookie classes. I’ve heard a lot of parents telling their kids “don’t you dare win, you’ll get a move up point.” “Sit down before the line, you’re sitting # whatever in National points.”
Moving up is a badge of honor. It shows that you have learned the skills to make you competitive in a harder class. I’ve never understood the sandbagging.
My son and a friend of his were 14 rookies their first year of National racing and sitting like #4 and #6 National, but 3 weeks out from the Grands they both decided they were not going to the Grands as Rookies. They showed up at the Grands as brand new Novices sitting #95 and #99.
But they tried, did well, and were very proud of their #57 and #59 plates that first year. And my son’s comment when he turned expert and got his doors blown off was “the more I lose, the faster I get!” What a wonderful attitude! I tell all our new move ups that story and most “get it” it’s a shame the parents don’t.bmxgirlmomMemberI’ve thought for awhile that after 5 wins, or if you aren’t winning at all, 1 season should be max. for Rookies. After 1 season, you aren’t a beginner anymore.
As far as clips, I would not allow my son to get clips until he was 14 and had turned Expert. My daughter was 13 before she got hers. I had seen and still see too many kids falling and not being able to get unclipped. Dads having to pick up bike, kid and all and carry them still attached off the track, or having to stand at the finish line and catch the kid cause he can’t unclip to put his foot down when he stops. A lot of serious injuries have happened to the young riders because of clips.
And last but not least, Rookies at Nationals. I think they should be allowed to attend, but maybe have combined classes for them 8 and under, 14 and under, 18 and under. Let’s them get the National experience. But would encourage the kids to move out of Rookie to avoid being combined with so many others.bmxgirlmomMemberDespite the concerted efforts of some people, who will remain nameless, to destroy the track, malign the staff, and halt the opening, EHTBMX opened to a spectacular crowd of racers and spectators, beautiful weather, and nearly completed work to repair all the damage done by some despicable vandals.
It was an awesome day. 99 motos, 4 1/4s, 6 semis, 30 mains. 438 riders.
Some fantastic racing.
A lot of our retired racers back in the house rockin it like they never left.
Mike Welsh-Super Class-3 years out of racing-made his 1/4s-came un-clipped.
Matt Michalak-22 Novice-5 years out of racing-I think he perfected!
Trevor Michalak-20 Novice-5 years out of racing-think he made his main.
Ray Michalak-3 years out of racing-new cruiser rider-back on the bike.
Several other riders, 6-16 years out of racing, out there tearing it up!
And of course Rogers impeccable announcing, nobody does it like Roger! A big thanks from EHT.
Hopefully Roger will do a nice write up.
Only 1 apology that I know of, and that is from me to all, for the delay in the start of the race. We had so many new licenses, renewals, upgrades, etc., that I didn’t get the motos posted as quickly as I would have liked. Please accept my apologies for the delay.
Thanks for coming! See you at the National April 29th and 30th.
bmxgirlmomMemberCurrent weather forecast for next Saturday 70 degrees!!!
20-40% chance of showers.
Let’s keep our fingers crossed, and pray to the BMX Gods that it stays that way.
bmxgirlmomMemberWas really nice to see a few people at the work session at EHTBMX. Next weekend will be the big push. Les said it still is not ready to open. Lets see if we can get a couple dozen guys down there and knock it out of the park in amount of work done in a short period of time.
NJ BMX is the best and I know you guys can pull it off.bmxgirlmomMemberWe’re having a work party tomorrow Feb. 25th at Egg Harbor. 8am till about 12noon.
Hope to see lots of people there.bmxgirlmomMemberSpelling?
Train of thought?
Sentence Structure?
bmxgirlmomMemberWe are having a work session next Saturday the 25th. It may be a short session for the ladies (Linda, Nancy, Josie, and I) in concession and registration, as Linda has a family birthday party for one of the grandkids.
Les will be with his gang (if any show up) on the track.
Call or email him to find out scheduling.bmxgirlmomMemberDid anyone besides Les show up at the track on Saturday?
bmxgirlmomMemberBrett and Rich: For the time being, disregard most of the information on the NJBMX website. Jeff, Nancy and I are in the process of updating the site. Stay tuned as pieces are being added daily.