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I may be wrong, but I think Les and crew have always done the rebuilds, including the asphalt in winter.
bmxgirlmomMemberIf you want 8 man gates for the Open Motos, that is do-able. If there is only 1 gate, and you want to force a main, that too is do-able.
You guys, the one’s organizing, and racing in the Open Series, should decide the rules; how many you have to do, how many there will be, what the pay-out (how many) will be, how much of the day’s entry fees to apply to the daily payout and how much to allot to the final pay-out, where you’re going to get any added money above and beyond entry fees, are you going to allow cruisers, mountain bikes, girls, etc.
The only stipulation is that the rider has to be 16 or over.bmxgirlmomMemberAll we need to make it happen is:
1) when the state schedule is set; to know which qualifiers will run the “Warrior Opens”
2) when the tracks set their schedules; which Saturday or Sunday will be designated as their “Warrior Open” day.And most importantly we need
1) A person who will commit to being the Rule Maker, Pay-Out Getter, Go To Person for all questions concerning… Basically the Head Warrior.
3 steps and it’s a go.
bmxgirlmomMemberI hope all that have had problems with the tracks current layout and condition can come out to help. I will personally make sure that anyone who shows up is fed and kept hydrated! If you can’t make it out to help, we understand, Just please, don’t bad mouth us or the track after the fact now is your chance to make a difference.
bmxgirlmomMemberI spoke to Rich about it in September. Asked if he would be interested in organizing it. He said yes. I hope that is a good enough answer.
And as for the reason I suggested it was that I was watching how well the Conneticut Pro/Am was running and thought it would be neat to do the same here.
bmxgirlmomMemberJust as an FYI, Mr. Hayden. I, a board member, was the one who suggested the Pro-Am Series. It was eagerly agreed to by all the other board members. And Rich graciously offered to organize it.
bmxgirlmomMemberRich Farside is supposed to be organizing this for 2007.
Will probably be run in a combination of locals and state qualifiers.
Not limited to pros only, unless there is enough interest. Would like to see it limited to Experts and Pros. Novices and Rookies should have to move up to race the series.
By the way Phil D. is a pro. He moved up as did a lot of the other of 17 + experts.
Check with Rich after the Presidents Cup/Christmas Classic…he has enough on his plate right now with the jerseys.
bmxgirlmomMemberworking on it.
bmxgirlmomMemberYes, I will be taking PREPAID orders for the hoodies. They will be the same as the State Champion’s except the words State Champion will be removed.
Checks made out to NJBMX for $25.00 for sizes youth small to Adult X-Large. Adult XXLarge and larger are $28.00.
Mail Check, Size required, and 1 word name you want on front, to:
C/O Janeen Welsh
321 Indian Mills Road
Shamong, NJ 08088Absolutely no orders will be placed without payment. Hoodies will be available for pickup at the Jack Frost, or for an additional pre-paid fee, I will mail them to you. For mailing add $6.00 to your order for each hoodie.
DECEMBER 31st, 2006bmxgirlmomMemberWe didn’t set a date, but it will be in January sometime. Won’t be the weekend of the 13th or 14th as that is the weekend of the National in Virginia. Also the weekend of the Circuit Finals for the First Frontier Rodeo Circuit. My son is in the finals this year in Bull Riding and I will be attending the race and the finals. (Yes, I am being specially cloned to be in both places at one time)
bmxgirlmomMemberCongratulations to:
Scott Cranmer—State Commish. for 2007
Jim Filippone—Assist. State Commish. for 2007
Nancy Haugh—Treasurer for 2007
Lisa Heath—Secretary for 2007
Janeen Welsh—State Clerk of Course for 2007And to the track delegates that were all reappointed for 2007!
bmxgirlmomMemberAnthony: Your Mac and Cheese was very good. Thank you for bringing it.
bmxgirlmomMemberHeard he is fine other than a slight headache.
bmxgirlmomMemberResults posted at (EHT Subject area)
IT WAS A TERRIFIC TURN-OUT. 240 + riders, 56 + motos, 2 semis, 7 or 8 mains.
32 riders in 16 & over open, 10 + in 30 & over open.
Phil Delizia won 16 & over and the hole shot.
Rich Farside won 30 & over and the hole shot.
See you at the Jack Frost.
Track rebuild starts in 2 weeks. Look for some exciting changes in 2007.