Homepage Forums NJ Freestyle Street wow

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    i am really startin to think that there are no street riders left anymore

    at least i havent seen much on this site lol


    Wait I just rode with mike osso, jared washington ,mike wilson, ralph sinisi on thursday in jersey city hell of a good time I ride street at least once a week in cenrtal jersey area not super hardcore but I get out , just to much soap opera crap going on this site to bring RIDING !!!


    rodney, next time your up, hit me up……. id love to hit the streets of JC again


    om not saying there are no street riders left, but there is nobody posting on this site id love 2 come on here and see whos riding where and stuff

    this way i can go hit up those new spots


    If there was a group ride I’d go. I have a bike just for that


    yeah, phily was good the other nite…keep it small and you wont get kicked out fast….and bring an extra tube so you dont have to walk around the city pushing your bike…haha

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