All you guys know me , so no intro is needed.
I am burning red right now. Who the hell does this karl think he is!!!!!!!! I had a bad feeling about him and I was right. The godino’s are good people, I readd what that scumbag put up for the first time tonight, And i posted the sob’s phone number, So do what you want with that. Me I was told bob was there and has an idea of what went on. Tommorow i will be calling “my new buddY” I want to see his whole freakin team GONE!!!!!! They have no place in bmx at all. But i kinda doubt that he will just leave, So We have a state qualifier coming up don’t we? Well if he shows up I say we make him feel welocome
(If you know what i mean.) No violence but let’s make a stand for bmx and the godino’s.
Btw this section is dedicated to trying to help weed out the a-holes in bmx. We already got rid of one(I think).