We would like to thank everyone who came out and braved the heat to race in our first National Event.
We are greatful for all the volunteers who helped to make this event such a success.
We would also like to thank the Valley Forge Convention & Visitors Bureau for there donation. The extra money helped us to make this event a special one not only for the older money open riders but to give the young riders a chance to show off there talents and walk away with some great prizes. You can’t beat the smiles on young riders faces when they came down to pick up there prizes.
The Elite open on Saturday was one exciting race and when the 30 & over riders decided not to sign up for the open, the decision was made to put the money into the Elite open, which put the total money donated from the track up to $1000. Congratulations to Phil Delizia for a great win on Saturday.
The 50/50 was the biggest I have seen at a National in a long time with over $1100 going to the winner on Saturday.
The old school bunney hop competition was great to see and the Karokee was probally the highlight of the weekend.
Thank you once again to everyone who came out…..we hope to see you again.
Ps – to kinda answer a question in another thread……when Bob’s away the mice will play.