dave had the hard part in eht..like picking a team sheet blindfolded..you are right and look how good you guys did!! lol
the prob with the younger guys sometimes if they think they are on the team sheet they may put too much pressureon themselves and then just say if they get a 2nd they feel they disapointed the team,..just be careful ant with the newer riders not to make them feel that pressure… if they do you will find them not showing up to state races..
the reason they have all those rules is to show how its different from national teams..they have to post all the national rules then incorporate the state rules in there somewhere..( like motos count instead of mains and why..) i think the more info you have the better prepared you are..i like that some tms are giving the rules to the parents.. once you read them it makes sense.
if you have ever done a national sheet its basically the same except for the motos counting and no bonus points.. i personally would like to see bonus points added to state team sheets… for example in dannys class he was on the sheet in 17-24x..that class had 3 groups if you have a rider on a sheet who has 18 in his class there should be extra points for using him if he has to fight his way thru semis and such.. just a thought -same for the open…