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April 19, 2007 at 9:39 pm #438244130forlifeMember
kb race shirts are ugly also
April 19, 2007 at 9:42 pm #43825bmiddaughMemberHere..
What these spazoons that do things like,
yell at women,
yell at racers who speak softly to them,
yell at kids,
yell at parents of racers,
need to do is very simple.
Just publicly apologize.
Say, look, I fucked up, I had a bad night, I was stressed, the mortgage was due..whatever.
Just say you’re freaking sorry.
What is the big deal, are our egos so large that we can’t do that?
I don’t care what you think you may have done or are doing for BMX be a man when you blow it and suck it up.
damn.April 19, 2007 at 9:55 pm #43827rodneyMemberGET EM GET EM !!!!!
April 20, 2007 at 1:09 am #43844BIGANT-DOGMemberf-u-c-k kARL i SAY WE CALL HIM
: (631) 399-1211
Cell: (631) 553-6163April 20, 2007 at 2:16 am #43847bmxmom156Memberlike i said i didnt personally witness the beginning of the event involving the said rider…… but i did see the after math with the 2 grown men screaming at each other face to face and bt was right there in the backround watching this.. i wonder if he saw the whole thing why didnt he get involved being he is actually the one who can impact a tm if he is abusing a rider or family member…. hmmmm? if anyone can speak up and put a stop to it i would think he would being he is kind of in charge?
April 20, 2007 at 12:11 pm #43858bmxer901MemberWhy didnt the parents confront the nbl? Why did they wait till 6pm to call the police?
April 20, 2007 at 12:18 pm #43860BIGANT-DOGMemberI didnt witness what happened directly so im not getting involved. All I know is that Karl doesnt go to every race only a very few. Ive been on the kb team for a couple years now with no problems.
I am glad you did not have any problems, but how do you call yourself a “TEAM MANAGER” when you post up stuff like this on your site.
04/15/2007 This weekend a parent told us his daughter was going to race the national at Egg Harbor. Then he changed his mind. and never told the manager. We put her on the team sheet. Not knowing she wasn’t going to race. the team came in last place. If she would have raced we would have come in second. Now you Know how important it is to tell the manager your here. The Godino’s are no longer a member of KB Racing
So this is all he is about is winning!!!!! What about the fun aspect. Karl and KB racing can kiss my a**. Btw tell him to stop putting his crap on people’s windows. 901 I got no prob with you but your tm is a first class jerk.
April 20, 2007 at 12:20 pm #43861BIGANT-DOGMemberI do not know why thet waited to call, but does it matter now? This type of stuff ends now
April 20, 2007 at 2:02 pm #43873bmiddaughMemberThere is no justification to yelling at a child about a BMX race. I don’t quite see the point of your questions Carl. If someone messed with Victor we’d all be saying and doing the same stuff. Perhaps this team should have a more level headed mgr.
April 20, 2007 at 2:46 pm #43876s4lnjMemberhis e-mail to me —
I did not yell at the child I yeld at the father. he did this to the team twice. that day he had words with the manager about our cook out ( I paid for). I have been doing BMX for 26 years. Before that I managed baseall for fourteen years. In all that time I only had two disagreements and both of them were with parents.
I treat each rider like they were my kids. This family only thinks about themself and not anyboady else. If you really want to know what I’m like just ask any of my riders or any other team manager or any rider that does Nationals. Than ask the same people about them.
As far as my sponcers you only hurt the kids. Your acting like the person you said I was.
Karl B Weidner JrApril 20, 2007 at 2:47 pm #438774130forlifeMemberthat moron is illiterate as well as a jacka$$
April 20, 2007 at 2:47 pm #43878bmxer901Memberbrett first when it did happen to victor it seemed like no one gave a crap. and second it was just a question.Like I said I didnt see it so im just trying to make sence of what happened. I just dont understand why he didnt confront the nbl instead of letting it lead to this. Now what the riders of the team are gona have to suffer by loosing sponsors? They didnt do anything wrong so why make them suffer. I am just trying to figure out if anything else happened to cuase the yelling at a child or w.e happened in general to 1 not confront the nbl and 2 wait till 6pm after everyone was gone to call the police. Does it make any sence? I was told sunday that there was an arguement between the father and the manager, but did it happen before or after the child insident.
April 20, 2007 at 2:49 pm #438804130forlifeMembercarl buddy.. find a new team to be on dude..
you can trust me and i know you can do better than that kb bullsh1t
April 20, 2007 at 3:11 pm #43881CrazyCraigMemberCarl –
I think what Brett is saying is if we ever saw Karl yelling at you or Victor like he did Cheyenne – we would be all over him for that too.
I have met Karl. Can’t say I’m a big fan – but until now had no direct problems with him. What I DON’T like is when I hear TMs bad mouth other teams and TMs, and I HAVE heard that more than once from Karl. When you bad mouth another team, especially in order to recruit someone to your team, you are hurting the sport, period.
I am sure there are several kids and parents who are turned off by over-the-top sports moms and dads that find there way into Baseball, Soccer & Football. This is why some of them like our sport. But, when you start seeing this type of bullshit going on at the track – well guess what? Little Johnny’s mom or dad will say “gee, I travelled an hour just hear the same bullshit I could have heard in my back yard at Baseball? Forget this then, lets go home.” Unfortunately its called human nature. Luckily the BMX culture doesn’t seem to attract as many of these idiots!
As far as sponsors go – Karl is KB. So if Karl goes the team probably goes, right?
If enough witnesses support the claim that Karl did indeed intimidate Cheyenne IN EVEN THE SLIGHTEST way, then her dad is justified to some degree to get upset. If Karl did this, and I believe he did, he has no business on the track. If that means the end of KB – so be it – I am sure someone on that team could take over, keep the sponsors, rename it, and probably do even better. So will the riders get hurt? Not if they can think for themselves.
Sometimes its good when poop like this happens. It brings to light a problem, and hopefully now it gets corrected. If that means all these riders need to find new teams (or as stated above – form a new one) its not a bad thing. Karl is not the only TM on the planet, and will not be the last.
April 20, 2007 at 3:35 pm #43884tpbmxtdMemberCarl,
The incident between the father and Karl happened after.No matter when it happened he still confronted an 8yr old girl. He should have gone to the parents to discuss his problems. Then to put it on the team website…..why?
And before you ask, yes I know for a fact that this incident happened.
The NBL was notified about the incident; but most of the time it is a issue that needs to be solved between the parties involved.
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