Awards for the Race Day:
1. All teams that enter a valid team sheet are eligible for awards of the day. Awards will be given to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams for each race day. The awards shall total 100% of the entry fees for that race. This includes the State Championship race.
2. Unless there are unusual circumstances, the top 3 teams from the race will be asked to ride in the parade lap for the next State Qualifier race.
Awards for the State Series:
1. There are 8 State Qualifiers. For each team, the best five (5) team scores from the state qualifiers, along with the State Championship team score will be counted towards the year end total team score.
2. Ties in total season team scores will be broken by how the teams placed at the State Championship.
3. Any team that enters at least one State Qualifer, and the State Championship, will be eligible for year end awards.
I was informed by my team that we pocketed a cool $67.50 for the win on Saturday. That pays for two team sheets per race at Pottstown!