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September 6, 2007 at 2:40 am #27329bmxmom156Member
this is a serious quesiton… if anyone knows when the next state meeting is please post the date and time…
i had heard it may be after the eht state qualifier if any board members or those in the know can confirm this? please do..
and YES i asked this on the nj bmx state forum as well
thank you
September 6, 2007 at 4:59 pm #49847bmiddaughMemberhmmm, apparently after the next state qualifier at EHT.
interesting note put up on the njbmx.org forum along with that, stating that committees can meet or discuss their duties at anytime. I would take this to mean those who are working on pres cup and year end awards to do their work when they can meet together.
It has been my experience in the workplace as well as life that things run more smoothly in an organization when regularly scheduled meetings take place so that people can readily meet face to face.
Ideally these should be after day 1 of each state qualifier.
This idea was brought up last year in jan and squelched.
It is obvious that committees should meet along with members of the board at state meetings, so that it would facilitate a more cooperative nature of working together.
Perhaps this winter we can move forward on putting together more meetings than 2-3 a year, which of course is much better than it was…September 6, 2007 at 5:22 pm #49850s4lnjMembermonthlly would seem appropriate– but all rational thaught gets thrown out the window
September 6, 2007 at 5:59 pm #49853bmiddaughMemberSpeaking of throwing rational thought out the window. I was discussing where to have meetings one time with someone and I mentioned that it sorta just makes sense to have them either at Incline or someplace close to that area in Central NJ…
if you look at NJ and see where the center of it is on a map, well, you are pretty smart guys and gals you can figure it out.
The person I was b.s.ing with said, well yea, CJ is central to you…but not to them…
I said to myself huh?
CJ is close to me, but if I lived in let’s say NNJ or SNJ, I’d rather travel to someplace central to all and convenient to a few than all the way north or all the way south so that it is convenient to a few and completely inconveniant for everyone else.Look, here’s the bottom f-ing line.
We have right now, a bunch of people who work well together and want to meet up, b.s. and get things done.
When they aren’t together, things don’t move as fast.
A state organization filled with people who are just dying to get together and meet face to face has got to be better than a state organization who are like, here go do this while we hang back and meet on occasion to see what you are doing.Like, I’m really tired of having to repeat the freaking obvious.
The status quo of doing things does not work well.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result.
I have more to add to this but I think I’ll wait till tonight.September 6, 2007 at 6:39 pm #49859tpbmxtdMember@bmiddaugh wrote:
I mentioned that it sorta just makes sense to have them either at Incline or someplace close to that area in Central NJ…
if you look at NJ and see where the center of it is on a map, well, you are pretty smart guys and gals you can figure it out.
The person I was b.s.ing with said, well yea, CJ is central to you…but not to them…
I said to myself huh?
CJ is close to me, but if I lived in let’s say NNJ or SNJ, I’d rather travel to someplace central to all and convenient to a few than all the way north or all the way south so that it is convenient to a few and completely inconveniant for everyone else.Well as Rodney Dangerfield used to say ” can’t get no respect”…..even though we are not “in” NJ, try and remember we are still part of the NJ scence…. —
September 6, 2007 at 6:53 pm #49860bmiddaughMemberlol…ok,
wow, you are actually almost the same driving time to all 3 tracks….
so you are actually a prety centrally located track…though you arent in nj…
I gotta do even more investigation into your track now…
A meeting at every state race would be the way to do it….plus some winter stuff.Lets take a look….
HC to EHT 113 miles
HC to CJ 58 miles
HC to TP 73 miles
Average: 81 milesCJ to HC 58 miles
CJ to EHT 74 miles
CJ to TP 94 miles
Average: 75 milesEHT to HC 113 miles
EHT to CJ 74 miles
EHT to TP 99 miles
Average: 95 milesTP to HC 73 miles
TP to CJ 94 miles
TP to EHT 99 miles
Average: 88 milesWhat does everyone think?
September 6, 2007 at 10:55 pm #49868bmxmom156Member“sound of nail hitting someone in the head”
plus the big
September 7, 2007 at 12:50 am #49874ridinlowMemberbmxmom156: For all the complaining that you do, here’s your opportunity to provide input at the next State Meeting. Let’s see what you can do.
September 7, 2007 at 2:19 am #49880BIGANT-DOGMemberbmxmom156: For all the complaining that you do, here’s your opportunity to provide input at the next State Meeting. Let’s see what you can do.
Well someone has to cpmplain, it is ashame we have to go to the unofficial site of bmx in new jersey to get anything done. and deb has plenty of people who got her back.
September 7, 2007 at 2:20 am #49881BIGANT-DOGMemberbtw ridinlow who are you really?
September 7, 2007 at 4:21 am #49892bmxmom156Memberthat all depends on what you consider complaining.. if by complaining you mean stating the obvious… why is that so unusual?
i am not afraid to say whats on my mind and i will say it to the people who are involved directly( usually try to at least if they will listen) if that is complaining, trying to improve things or make things better so be it. those who know me are not suprised by this. being involved in the sport and seeing alot of things over time gives one a good perspective on things..
whats your contribution? whoever you are??
September 7, 2007 at 10:29 am #49893BIGANT-DOGMemberBrett can find out. Can’t ya?
September 7, 2007 at 11:47 am #49895bmxmom156Memberi dont consider asking questions to be complaining. maybe ridinlow has a different definition.
and he cant be around bmx that long if he thinks i have not given “input” at state meetings in the past. may have been a while ago but….. after many years you realise everyone volunteers in anyway they can.
September 7, 2007 at 11:49 am #49896bmxmom156Memberwhat was the exact date of the last state meeting , just wondering…
September 7, 2007 at 12:20 pm #49902bmiddaughMemberIt was
believe it or not…
in February.
The status quo got rocked heavily in January and I think some people got a little stressed about mixing up that pot again… -
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