As long as the bike build off is set up right, it could work out for the better. Ive seen some of the bike build offs just go boom and no one cares. There is a couple of ways to change the bike build off and make it your own. I say instead of once your done the bike than thats it, they have to ride the bike to like the first trun or somthing on those lines. Its not all that entertaining watching someone build a bike. I have to do them all day long and after 5 years its boring. Especially when you can do one in under 10 flat from scratch.
For the podium shot you would probably have to pick certain classes or think that one more through. Many people leave right after they get there trophies to beat the traffic. Im not sure how the parcking is going to be for this race but I can see traffic issues and people rushing to leave.
thats just my 2 cents and can easily be thought out be for making anything final