For some strange reason I never owned a DG back in the day (Or Thruster or Sting or…)
Well someone I know thru work sold me one. Full thread in vintage.
Im so amped to finally get an old school bike. Im gonna tear it down to scratch and do a complete rebuild. Replace many of the survior parts with identical NOS parts if I can find them and refinish everything.
Maybe the best part is it may have belonged to a Pro. The guy who sold it to me said it did, but couldnt remember his name. Im gonna keep digging and see if I can come up with more on that. His son whom he bought it for still lives in the area so I may be able to find out.
Understand I dont live far from the old DG factory. Its within riding distance.
I would have taken it for a spin, but the one crank arm hits the chain stay. It has a Euro BB (Its a Pro frame) and Ive never used a euro before or know how to adjust it. After I take pics bike will torn down and every single part refurbished or replaced.