Homepage Forums NJ BMX Racing NJ Racing old Hyper Pro/Am round 8….

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    This Saturday in Egg Harbor will be the last round of qualifying for the Hyper Pro/Am end of year prizes. The racing to this point has been great and we would expect the same for the last qualifier.

    The sponsors for this final qualifying round are : Hyper, Tuckahoe Bike Shop, GHP Northeast, MCS Bicycles, Intense BMX and NJBMX (holeshot).

    Check back in the coming weeks for updates on some exciting news on the Hyper Pro/Am Championship race.

    As always, for points or videos of the Pro/Am series, please go to newjerseybmx


    is there going to be a raffle again?

    thats really nice the sponsors contrib to this…i am looking into getting one more for next yr…shhhhhhh top secret!


    Yes, we are going to have a raffle again.


    if you have a sponsor sheet or anything outlining what the details are for sponsoring the series(is it the whole series or just certain races, etc) can you bring that too? would like to have somethng on paper to show..



    what time is registration this weekend?


    jim- this was posted on njbmx forum by janeen:

    Saturday, September 15th, at EHTBMX in Egg Harbor Township, NJ, is the last State Qualifier of the 2007 NJBMX State Series.

    Registration: 9am-10:30am.

    $20.00 points only.
    Late Registration: 10:30am-11am (an additional $5.00 will be charged). No registrations will be taken after 11am.
    Phone registrations taken after 10:30 will also be charged the $5.00 late fee. Call early to avoid the late fee.

    Race: 12 noon.

    It takes 3 qualifiers and 10 locals to race the Championship in class for a plate. We will count your BEST 5 qualifiers. So come on out get in that last qualifier to max out your points or to qualify.

    Everyone not qualified for the Championship is still eligible to race, but in opens only.

    The Champioship race is October 6th at Hunterdon County BMX in Flemington, NJ.


    so let me get that straight.. its 170$ for a stupid computer generated piece of sh1t, and if we want a trophy we HAVE to buy that seperately.. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA

    forget this racing …after this series is over.. and i am fed up getting raped.. i quit


    oh yeah then they want you to BUY the christmas classic jersey.. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHA


    Ya know Dave can be a little .. blunt at times in his observations but he has sort of a point and I really do not believe it helps matters when someone constantly reinforces the fact that there will be a $5.00 late fee for late registrations.
    Late fees, late fees….

    Like WTF?

    Why is there even a late registration, What the heck is that?

    how about no registrations after 11:00 and leave it at that…
    I need to teach a customer service course.

    It takes a laserjet printer literally 5 minutes to print 300 pages.

    I would say this though, I would always ask everyone to be sure they give they give the correct age and class to the registration people because that is the real hold up, it’s also why a lot of reposts occur.

    But then again, we’re all just having fun at the BMX track, so why even get upset over an incorrectly posted moto, and really most of the people who do registration do it for free.


    no, ya know what I have been to harsh…
    I was talking this over with Christine at dinner and we have a much more civil idea…
    since it is such a big deal to get that 5 beans if you register after 10:30…
    and well everyone’s time is valuable…
    correct Mr. Spicoli?…
    well then I believe that if the race starts anywhere from 12:01 to 12:30 then those who signed up before 10:30 should get 5 dollars back…

    sounds fair.

    We don’t hold you up.
    You don’t hold us up.

    (yes, I’m being sarcastic, but I’m pointing out that maybe everyone should just be a little chill with this nonsense, I mean the next thing you know if you are already in line for registration and it goes past 10:30 they are gonna try to wack you with a 5 dollar late fee….. 😈 )


    Can we please keep this on topic…….We were talking about the Hyper Pro/Am series….Lets start a new topic for all the other stuff. I dont want anyone to think that I dont have opinions on this stuff, but lets put it in another topic.

    We want to keep the positive vibe of the Pro/Am going…….thanks


    regis topic moved……………….. ➡


    edited by poster. —


    @tpbmxtd wrote:

    Can we please keep this on topic…….We were talking about the Hyper Pro/Am series….Lets start a new topic for all the other stuff. I dont want anyone to think that I dont have opinions on this stuff, but lets put it in another topic.

    We want to keep the positive vibe of the Pro/Am going…….thanks

    Thank you Debbie…….Dave !@ ….please.


    you just type faster than me!!!! your post wasnt there when i typed mine– sorry

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