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    I think the reason that most of the freestyle guys don’t post here is because they are to busy getting high and are more concerned with the next fix .It’s hard to be a positve influence to the cause when you are the one destroying it…………………………………………………………………….


    Man, I saw that topic and was like, OH MAN…
    Then I go here and Adam just goes deep as hell on me.

    The only thing I can really add is,
    Amen brutha, Amen.


    thats too funny someone with your background( we all know what kind ofdrugs you did ) is going to point out someone elses habits because he may be upset with you PLEASE STOP


    OH which is the lesser of two evils drugs or violence


    Drug days have been long gone…………And it is funny how you are anotherone who knows no facts ,has not even talked to me about the situation, but can make accusatory remarks about my life on an internet forum maybe it is time for truth to come out in all of our lives ……Another true friend indeed…………Did you bother to ask how I was doing?????????


    alright guys, I get whats going on…
    what happened, pm me, both of ya…
    both you guys are too important to whats going on right now to have bad blood start squirting out.
    work with me fellas.


    This is a personal matter involving my life…Unfortunately my so called tru friends don’t stand behind me and would like to make that publicly known…… That is fine .I know where I stand with myself and that is what matters………….


    i to am far gone from my drug days..but i do enjoy a fine pabts blue ribbon..


    if we ever get everyone together – there is no question who will be bringing the beer. 😆


    yeah.. 2 thirty packs of PBR.


    OK this will be my final post on this matter someone did some ILL crap( no need for rumors i know ) that I do not agree with no reason to go into it any further I was protecting some one who got caught up in the mess ( one of those true friends) who was just trying to help .This is not the place for such personal problems and I am truly sorry for bringing it here . I guess the lesson here may be talk to your true friends let them in to your life they may just help , admitwhen you are wrong and go on with your life we all have to get better some of us do have other lifes that we in control of (kids) do it for them NOW BACK TO BIKES !!! THANK YOU

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