I recently aquired this road kill and can not find any information about it. The web site is not so much good! I am looking for some history and any info. you have to offer. I would like to restore it to era correct but as I am finding out that is eaiser said than done. I do know that it was started in NJ so maybe some of you guys can help me out. I figure it is a mid 90’s as the kid I got it from “raced” for them and he is now 20. Any info you have wouldbe great. Thank you.
Jason Weatherhold was from PA. I think they may have got a start in plates but quickly went to frames.
NJ riders for them past and present include Dave Kapigian and?
Jason Weatherhold was from PA. I think they may have got a start in plates but quickly went to frames.
NJ riders for them past and present include Dave Kapigian and?