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    hey anyone ( you older “kids” included) who wears a jersey in public is promoting..anything that promotes conversation about the sport is good. saying oh you shouldnt wear this or that is not being supportive ,its elitist( sp?)..in a way…why would you want to promote the habit of “anyone that wears a jersey is not cool, oh its better to just wear jeans and sweatshirt..blah blah. let them wear what they want dont focus on the clothes.. the younger riders imitate the older ones and when they stop “dressing” or wearing their uniforms it dosnt promote…

    take for example.. a little kid in my neighborhood who my son taught him how to get the training wheels off… he told him when he got them off he would give him a race jersey( an old one he had when he was about 7 yr old).well you never saw this kid pedal so fast… anyway he wears this old state team jersey like it was gold!! in fact he wore it to school yesterday ( it was “whacky wednesday” where you can wear crazy clothes to school…lol) and do you know how many teachers asked him if he knew danny smith??? they all asked him if he raced his bike too?? they remember and its been over 8 yrs since dan has been at that school… this is a form of promotion…uniforms are impt i feel and makes it look alittle more “mainstream”. do you think ant derosa would tell redline he didnt feel like wearing the uniform at a state race or even a national cause it wasnt cool?? i doubt it.

    wait till all the state teams come popping out of the woodwork this season, then you will see the resurgence of the race uniform..even if its just a jersey. personally i think the kids are proud to wear them and i wouldnt discourage anyone from wearing one.

    plus its the payback for the sponsors…even the nj state team jerseys from pres cup… they are on there for a reason correct??


    If every other person who lives out there can show their lifestyle in public so can we. Whenever I see a friend I havnt seen in a long time they ask me if I still race bmx? I say yeah and why dont you come out to a race and check it out? some of them do. A guy I used to work with is goin to sighn his son up at EHT and if his kid likes it he is goin to race himself! He never raced bmx in his life.


    I think in racing, jerseys are cool…
    but the race pant thing needs to be rethought.
    I think how everyone races needs to be rethought.
    I think track layouts need to be rethought.

    Racing does not appeal to the average kid of today.
    If it did, more kids would do it.


    Whenever I see a friend I havnt seen in a long time they ask me if I still race bmx? I say yeah and why dont you come out to a race and check it out?

    I am still rememberd for riding in the central jersey 4th of july parade. 20 years ago!!!!!!! But when people see me and ask do i still ride bikes, I tell em yeah but race bmx now. And it will appeal to the average kid if you make it seem appealing. I gave out flyers to 2 kids yesterday, told em about the tracks,etc. Do not know if they will come, but that is 2 more possible new racers, who btw were street riders. Oh and if i could find some kids that were into it (a parade) I would do it again in a heartbeat Hey rod i have pics from the last parade we did.


    nothing wrong with jerseys– i think they are cool– but i’m 30– not 15

    function aside


    my point is this–

    i know that leathers protect, clips make you fast– i’m not speaking about function–

    we need to stop thinking like 30 year old racers and start thinking like 12 year old kids–

    walk into a junior high with a picture of bubba harris in full race gear and a picture of van homan– most kids are gonna want to look like homan because they look like that already– remember we want to get people into racing– not attract people that already race



    Since Dave always speaks nicely, I would like to play bad cop.

    If you can’t see what Dave is talking about, you are completely freaking lost…

    Hey BMX Legend how is that state team coming along?



    im working on getting $ for jersey’s

    odyssey hasnt gotten back to me yet

    animal and bulldog are official

    and pabst blue ribbon is still the best


    Al at cjs was looking into getting bulldog’s from jimmy, he has one at the shop. Oh and i will still be wearing my jersey “around town” and I am 36 — But i do wear it with some baggy jeans and etnies or airwalks.


    Bottom line we all have GOOD IDEAS on how we should do things. Brett has his views, dave has hs i have mne etc. But what matters is we bring in more new riders. It does not matter if we use brett’s or mine or dave or the tooth fairy’s. It is good to have different views and not be one sided. If we were like that we would be just like the N.B.L.


    But i do wear it with some baggy jeans and etnies or airwalks

    Preferred racing uniform that will make BMX look cool to new kids…
    I’m serious…course the pants would have to be tighter, lol

    And it does matter who’s ideas you use, because you need to use GOOD ideas,
    and you guys all have good ideas AND say basically the same thing.
    Is this thing on?


    @bmiddaugh wrote:

    Racing does not appeal to the average kid of today.
    If it did, more kids would do it.

    I find that most kids don’t even know there is racing in NJ…promotion 😀


    Sure just cut to the chase there Loren!


    is there a way to mass mail promotion to every school in nj????


    The Bootey suit would make racing hella popular!!!

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