here is a thought for next yrs state races…. i just loved the auctions that cjbmx had during the championship…. maybe its because its something us moms can do during a race that makes it fun…who knows…. but anyway, taking off from the scottycranmer signature helmets… why not get someone to take a couple of nj state team jerseys for the pres cup if there are any left over… and have the kids take them to the pro pits and get signatures on the back…then you can use them for the auction, or raffle during the year..etc.. just make sure its done with a sharpie so it dosnt wash off..
flemington did this with thier track long sleeve jersey a few yrs ago at the grands… a few kids went around and told them it was for the local track and they were more than happy to sign them… when we had the race the kids went nuts trying to win the jersey!!!
danny has one with a few old time pros on it( still legible) he saved i think jason richardson, danny nelson and even john purse…
just a thought if anyone is going maybe something to help out the state series… ( or another item for the auction next yr!!!)