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August 18, 2006 at 5:07 am #25420racerxMember
i was wondering if someone could possibly explain to me , for what reason i drove 40 mins to gate practice to have it cancelled at the last second? if everyone who runs the track is there why was there no gate up? there was atleast 20 riders there so it couldnt of been canc. due to small turn out. this is just a question, not trying to start anything, could somone possibly post a reply/or pm me with this answer?
August 18, 2006 at 5:48 am #33169bmxgirlmomMemberI wasn’t there, sorry I can’t help.
August 18, 2006 at 8:47 pm #33208rollin-zMemberAlso not trying to start anything here but… Thats the way it’s always been at eht! Always and i mean always call first even on race nights when it’s over 90
August 19, 2006 at 1:16 am #33217bmiddaughMemberracerx has been notified of the reason.
August 20, 2006 at 2:22 am #33224bmxer901MemberI was there i would also like to know the reason for why it was canceled. Why cant it be posted so everyone that was there and woundering the same thing be able to know?
August 21, 2006 at 12:45 pm #33250bmiddaughMemberOk, enough of this nonsense.
This is the reason and I’m gonna be cool here, ’cause I want BMX in NJ to GROW and not be bogged down by petty B.S. anymore.
EHT practice was cancelled because of personality conflicts at that track. The parties involved know who they are. It’s gotten to the point now with this little thing that it’s starting to wobble the very precarious balance we have right now that is keeping us on an upward path for racing in NJ.
Enough is enough.
When a problem occurs on the track, ya gotta go to an official, whether you are happy with it or not, with the person or not, that’s the rules that WE have made up. All of us.
When things get out of control, and they do at times, that’s all we got, are the rules that we ourselves came up with.
Sometimes we have to stop and think, “how does this look to a person who has NEVER been to a race before?, how does this look to the little kid who is having his first run around the track?”.
I love this sport and at times a few people with some power here in NJ have gotten under my skin at times, but I TRY to look at things from all viewpoints but the viewpoint I always go back to, is the one that I had from long ago…That of a 12 year old kid just coming out for the first time and wanting to have some fun on the BMX track jumps.
That’s it, keep that in mind everyone, that’s what makes this tick.
Jumping, fun, laughing, friends.
On saturday, I had a half hour discussion with a great guy from the Asbury Park Press, we’re getting a nice (we’re = NJBMX) writeup in there and, and this is a very BIG and, I gave them this websites address so people can check out NJ BMX happenings.
Check it out EVERYONE, A few dedicated individuals are gonna get this going again in NJ.
You are either
Your choice.
Remember what I just said above and re-read it if necessary.
Pretty soon most of New Jersey will be looking at this place to know what is going on with BMX in NJ.
It’s up to us to make it or break it.
No one ask me why gate practice was closed.
Talk to a track official.
Track official give the person the straight answer.
Dammit, there is 70-80 of us at a local race man!
That’s nothing!
We should be racing on the track, and then hugging each other at the end of the day trying to figure out how to get this back on track.
There is no longer room for egos or personality conflicts at tracks.August 21, 2006 at 12:59 pm #33252imwatchinMemberWhy can’t anyone just come out and say Victor Behm is the reason there was no gate practice Thursday night. He has a problem with the staff at EHT and seems to go out of his way to cause a problem every chance he gets lately. With all the letters and notices that were sent to him you would think the guy would just let things go but NO he wants nothing more then to say that he has shut EHT down. Someone from the track/State/or NBL has to step in and do something about this.
For the 20 + riders that made plans Thursday night for gate practice and took of work, gas money, and food make sure you thank Mr. Behm the next time you see him.August 21, 2006 at 2:38 pm #33255rider1MemberThank you for saying what needed to be said.
August 21, 2006 at 3:00 pm #33260RaidenHaydenMemberThis is part of the reason this sport is stuck where it is, petty politics!!!! If you are doing this for the riders, than do that and put aside the bickering!! Meanwhile, 20 people, who wanted to ride, got screwed, because of immaturity!!!!
This is one reason I give Janeen props, with all the heat she has taken, and I have thrown some of the logs on the fire, she has stayed focused and dedicated to the riders. She could have bailed and left a mess, but she plugs away, a true volunteer.
If you are here for the riders, the sport, whatever, show it through your actions. I personally between all of the nonsense, and years I volunteered at ABA tracks am burnt out.August 21, 2006 at 3:02 pm #33262bmiddaughMemberthose stitches are out, whats up with the trail jam?
August 21, 2006 at 3:05 pm #33264RaidenHaydenMemberChecking sched tonight, weedwacked yesterday. It’s looking good, I think Kev (fitlife06) and tommy (tcoxmonster) are gonna help along with Boone (sam mathews) this week
August 21, 2006 at 3:20 pm #33265bmiddaughMemberWOW
August 21, 2006 at 6:56 pm #33273bmxer901MemberLets get one thing straight here, when we showed up for gate practice the gate was up. when we were on our way over to register less sent someone up to take it down. bottom line before anything could have been said he took it down.
Second of all i doubt anyone even knows what happened to get little victor suspended do they.
Victor was suspended after he was threatened by a 33yr old man. yes threatened. the man said he was going to take v out in the parking lot and beat his a**. now is that what bmx is turning into. All V said was what you have a problem with a 12 yr old beating you.
next before Big victor could get over to the registration to tell them about it the man got in his face a threatened him. he warned the guy. so what is EHT BMX’S problem to not confront the whole problem.
Less told him it was a personal problem, no no its not less threats have been going on at that track for more then 5yrs now. enough is enough if something cant be done about it they need to put someone in charge that can handle it.So hears my biggist question and this is for janeen. You said it was going to be taking care of, if it was taking care of then why was the 33yr old man that threatened a 12yr olds life able to race the state championship. and my briother was suspended for 2 weeks.
Bob T. (director of compitition) said that was a stupid call of the tracks part. and thta victor would be aloud to race, but nope less has a personal grudge with victor becuase of the past. Everyone knows that for the past few weeks victor has stayed in the van and ignored it all.
enough is enough something needs to be done.
No parent in NJ can tell me differant that if there childs life was threatened by a much older man that they would do nothing. and what would you do if the man cut you off causeing problems. exactly, you would do the same. all everyone wants to do anymore is say they want things done they want actions takin.
Well why dont we see them. when you have riders threatened, the track does nothing but try to get rid of it the easiest way.
Maybe things would be differant at eht bmx if everything wasnt a secret. nobody knows when elections are. Maybe the track should take some lessons from cj bmx. now thats how a track needs to be run. I have to say that that is one of the best run tracks in the u.s
EHT has one of the best tracks but lets face it its a joke. maybe the new riders council should look into it and see why things are going down hill every year.
when we first started racing there 5yrs ago they would hit 30 motos at every local race but now look everyone is getting turned away.
point made things need to be looked into at that track and weather people wanna face it or not when the truth comes out about the 2 that run it they can decide if they wanna admit it if victor is the problem or not. he wants changes and they wont listen.August 21, 2006 at 7:51 pm #33276bmiddaughMemberOut of line here…
But I would like to talk to everyone involved with this.
We are on an upward ride here and this is not good.
If the guy from NY could come over as well, so we could all sit together and hash it out that’d be excellent.
BMX is bigger than all of us.
But it keeps getting smaller.
(Oh and CJ says thanks for the props!)August 21, 2006 at 8:12 pm #33277RaidenHaydenMemberHmmm, I thought there was a code of sportsmanship or behavior that was suposed to be adhered to. Doesn’t look like it happened here, however the party that felt threatened should have called the police, and this would be over, and Less would have had no say in the matter.
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