Anyone going to this? I think I will go watch.
WHO: Little Devil and Orchid Footwear
WHAT: Tiki Trail Jam
WHERE: 30 East 3rd Ave. Trappe, PA 19426
WHEN: Saturday, July 7th. 3pm – 9pm
1. BMX trail demo with the the Orchid and Little Devil team. Van Homan, Matt Beringer, Corey Martinez, Rob Wise, Randy Brown, Brian Hunt, Geoff Slattery and more.
2. Stephen Murray benefit raffle. We’re raffling off a bunch of prizes to help out Stephen, including a Fit complete bike. $5.00 a ticket.
3. Two bands. Hostages and second band to be announced.
4. Barbeque all day long.
5. Super Sale on Orchid and Little Devil products.,15737,1640087,00.html