My point, was to lay it out in black in white, because as you see, unless done that way things are not handled well. Let’s take for instance the mess at the Pres cup with the jersies. Had a mechanism been in place, none of that would have happened.
More to the point, if we are going to do this, one day we may be gone, if we leave a precise set of guidelines, it will be hard for them to mess up!
In 1987 Bill Bohren established the New Jersey Bicyle Motocross Assoc Inc, when it was shut down in 1998, it’s officers consisted of Scott Cranmer (vp), Linda Luden (treasurer),and Les Vanerhoff (pres), now for what ever reason in 1999, BOOM we have a new corporation, NJBMX Inc, thats when Les set it up. What happened, no one knows, and when they do have info it all goes one place, so the reason I would like clarity in the bylaws is so that ther will be less likely hood of deviation