“Pottstown BMX has expressed interest in joining the NJ NBL State Series” Future Asst. State Commissioner “Vanuch” Vinnie Mannino dropped on us unsuspecting BMXonauts late last year in a State Meeting. A lot of the guys were like jeesh, well…yea we heed and hawed but in typical Vanuch fashion he made some good points and after everyone visited the track last year at the regional it was obvious. Let’s bring this crew into the State, they have that fresh enthusiasm and fire needed to bring BMX racing back into the limelight. Since it seems that this is gonna set the tone for a new era in BMX for this area, this time out for a report b.s.net is gonna give you a rundown on the feel of the weekend instead of your typical, this guy or gal won this or that. BMX racing has a definite different lifestyle compared to BMX freestyle and I feel it’s time to bring this out into the open. The highlights of stuff off the track that makes trips to events like a State race memorable. So… to finish off this intro welcome to NJ, ya keystone maniacs, the last time we had some guy from PA helping us it was Charlie Huber and a lot of the guys remember that as a good time. So here’s to the…second coming of PA.
I got there in typical brokenspokes fashion this year, just about as registration was ending. First thing I see, the local crazies had set up some plywood up into the cedar mulch pile for a launch the mulch session. The little dudes were killing it over that thing it was a good 6′ tall and more smiles and hell yeas were coming from that area of the event than even the track during the races. More BMX ingenuity in full effect. Chip and Dale had their rolling BMX lovefest shop setup off to the side and it was getting sessioned heavily this event. Ice Money also made and appearance out there. Yea, man.
Heading up past registration, dang that needs an explanation there in itself, Pottstown is built in the same place an old community pool was, so…you have this big area that is gated that you walk through to get to the track. Very pro looking. Upon rolling into the actual race arena I see the usual suspects rolling about on their two wheeled wonder machines. BMX Legend gunning for a win…or a decent PBR this weekend. Crazy Craig Wilson and the red, black and yellow of GHP. Slim Tim Sullivan STILL sporting the flat pedals. Lee “html” Matos gunning for more website work. Massive Matty Cranmer, looking like he’s been spending some time jumping heavily over the winter, the boy was skying. The other micro sky boy Morair Mike Reszkowski was flying this weekend but was having a bit of a time in the rhythm section. The young Golsmid returned and was seen flying and talking smack after the races. The Grabel boys were rocking the track, the way they were flying it was like they were on nitrous…or something. Craig Wilson was seen showing Pete Woggo Wohlgemuth how to do the 2 step over the second turn. Nice dancing Pete! Alaina Henderson was also flying this weekend through the air as well as around the track, check the slideshows. The racing was fast and furious both days with the Hyper Pro-Am jam taking center for the spectators. It was incredible to see the skills of these top riders duke it out for glory and the lean mean green. Mighty Matt Kelty took the win both days for Felt, which moved him into the points lead for the series. With 5 races to go there’s still plenty of room for the point standings to move around.
Saturday evening was a head to the trails by the river jam. The local yokels took a few of us old schoolers down to the local jumping arena and let us have at it. It was a good time and really brings out what this BMX thing is all about. Having a good time. BMX Legend and Farside got into a contest to see who could jump the doubles with the least amount of pedaling to them. That was a tie….or maybe not as the Legend was two sheets gone when he shot over them. Taylor Farside also got down and went for the smaller doubles out there busting loose after some encouragement from Daveo and Dad Rich. She shot over the first set, surprisingly went for the second set but didn’t quite make it. She bounced right up tho, crazy stuff from the young lass. What could top that? How about heading to the parking lot at the track and witnessing Legend once again going crazy on a motorized scooter. Tearing through the lot it became apparent that he thought he was badazz. Well Rich Farside took a gander at that and put up the challenge. “I’ll smoke you on my 20″ Legend.” The game was on and saved for posterity on my handy Treo-Cam. Check the video over here:
The usual late night banter went on at the track on what to do next to make BMX cooler. The first thought being to head over to the Smoked section in the forums and have at it, but it was decided to chill on that idea and instead make it a point to get another state meeting going. Party time was over around 11:00 pm and we all headed to our respective beds to get some much needed shut eye.
Next day brought much of the same pulse pounding action as before with the exception of the team scoring. Saturday saw Pt Pleasant Kuwahara take the win after going down in flames at the first qualifier. Sunday was the upset of the millennium as the rookie team of PBR roosted into first place. With their showings at the other state races this puts Team Pawson firmly in second with Team GHP Atomlab Northeast rocking out in the lead. The action in the team standings this year has been almost as nuts as the Hyper Pro-Am. Looks like this one will go down to the wire at the championship in October. So far though it looks like GHP has the loudest cheering section.
One of the things that looks like it’s needed now that the older guys are taking a renewed interest in racing is a riders meeting before the race. These used to happen quite often back in my time…actually they would happen at every race. The officials or track director would get with all the riders before the race and give a little heads up to what was going on at the race that day. With many riders racing the Hyper Pro-Am open and their classes this might help alleviate confusion in the future.
Word should be given to all the guys heading up the race that day, there was great coordination between the announcer Caveman Kapigian and the starter. The track was in killer shape for the two days races and looks to be a smoking addition to the NBL State Series. The races truly felt like an event and Knapper and the crew at his track have set the bar pretty high for the remainder of the series. Next up is the hills of HCBMX in Flemington, back over the border to NJ. Word on the knobby tire is that a few track changes have been made, so it’s looking to be another fun time. C-ya in July BMX jockies.