In the early 90’s and late 80’s flatland was MONSTROUS in New Jersey. Over the past few years it seemed to have tapered off with most of the riding being done very underground and many riders preferring to hang by themselves. Word got out to James Johnson that a flatland jam was going down at Sayreville Skatepark this past Saturday and he swung by Spider-Man style. BMXNJ was lucky enough to have James send over a few of his shots from the day. Check them out below and on Read More as well as here. Looks like the legacy of the flatlanders from LePage, Smith,and Jones, to Guild, Wilson, Teo, Rodney and all the rest has come home to roost. BMX, ladies and gents THIS is the underground.
Check James sites here, nakiaphotos and here nakiablogspot
It just is.Flatland. It’s an artform, self expression, it’s…hard to explain. You repeat an exercise over and over till you get it. Then you repeat it again and try to make it harder. Some people see a flat piece of parking lot, these riders see endless progression and fun. I’ve done it and I still can’t explain it.