I figured since I had so many old school shots of freestyle stuff like the touring teams that would 16.jpghit NJ in the summer, that it may be time to throw them out so people can see what it was like BITD. I wouldn’t say it was better or worse, but it was definitely different.
#RememberThis- Jump For Joy Classic Footage Part 1 ~Jump For Joy 1 1996~
#RememberThis- Jump For Joy Classic Footage Part TWO ~Jump For Joy 1 1996~
#RememberThis- Jay Jones 1988 Qualifying run from the now defunct AFA Masters Series in Wayne NJ
Roosevelt Taylor sent this link over to me of major NJ flatland historical significance. Back in the halcyon days of 1988 when freestyle BMX was new and shiny and we had the massive AFA indoor Wayne contests, Jay Jones was there and killed it in his class. At that time he was riding for Kuwahara. […]