Legendary in their time, the ECD guys were notorious for severally shredding at comps and jams throughout the North East during the early and mid 90’s. The footage you are about to see is from 1993 but incorporated in a 1995 video. You see by 1995 Jeff Crawn had a…pretty bad accident at Hoffman Estates […]
#RememberThis- Classic Footage from 1980 of the Jag World Championships in Indianapolis
Courtesy of my ol bro, Andy Moraller. This is 8mm video footage of the 3rd World Championship in Indianapolis, Indiana. Andy’s Dad was good enough to have an old (then new) 8mm video camera and captured this footage. This is over 31 years old…Andy is actually on there somewhere but there is also a lot […]
#RememberThis- Notte – Scruggs Racing South Park Indoor 1980
#RememberThis- Legendary Footage of Braddock and The Jersey City Armory BMX racing
#RememberThis- MORE! Brian Shute archival video from the 80’s
#RememberThis- Vernon Valley NJ from Tim Cook
#RememberThis- NBA Schwinn Tour Book 1978
#RememberThis- The Dust Bowl Deptford, NJ. NJ Open 1985 (video 3)
#RememberThis- Millville 1976 from Tiim Cook via Dave Dechert
(Update: Tim Cook emailed me last night and pointed out a few things! #34 in the photos is actually his brother Geoff Cook. #82 is Tim himself rocking the old school ashtabula cranks and forks. The photo in the gallery where Dechert is losing that pedal….1979 Craigmeur and the guy out front? Tim Cook! Thanks […]