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Before the internet you would have never found it one good thing about the net ……. stolen bikes suck
rodneyMemberJUST a jokw she told me she was 18 hahahahahaha
rodneyMemberRemember the American Indians !!!!!!!!
rodneyMemberchatrooms scare me too just dont want to be on dateline nbc with chris hanson again !!!!hahahaha
rodneyMemberBill Im down just got to get Dave out
rodneyMemberno more red meat YEAH YEAH!!! healthy time m fers little lou getting stoned and then taking that midnite trip to White Castle hahahaha
rodneyMemberall day is a rip on Animals new dvd no copy cat sheot
rodneyMemberthis is why people do not understand hip hop as an art form tone loc hahahaha F HIM!!!! anything pop F in SUCKS I dont care what type of music it is
rodneyMemberFORGET it!!! I dont know why I respond I dont know anything about bmx . bikes , kids I SUCK, FORGIVE ME
rodneyMemberBill has alot of great points !!!! racing is not freestyle never has never will It took along time for major sports to get where they are at so if you want bmx at that level (and beleive me there are some that dont want bmx as big as nascar) a large percent of riders are cool with this underground get away from sports anti jock lifestyle . Instead of raging over it on the internet go ask the riders want they are looking to get from BMX .
rodneyMemberUMMM …..I LIKE BIKE RIDING !!!!
rodneyMemberI have a million jokes for this but I will leave it alone with just one.How many different ways can you cook chicken and watermelon?? hahahahah You cant leave yourself open like this Dogg
rodneyMemberNOTHING !!! very early , pipe dream , will let you know someday next level sheot just leave it as fun with names hahahahahaha cat is not out of the bag
rodneyMemberSuch a cool spot