Homepage › Forums › NJ BMX Racing › NJ BMX Racers Forum › Announcement: NJBMXRACING.ORG RC1 IS UP!
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January 22, 2008 at 9:13 pm #27908Letsridebmx104Member
The Release Canidate 1 is currently visable to the whole world. Head over to http://www.njbmxracing.org to see whats going on.
As RC1 this means IT IS NOT FINISHED. This means its now an open floor for the users of the site to make suggestions and ideas on how the site looks/functions. So keep that in mind as you visit the site.
*FIXED* TOP NAV ROLLOVER EFFECT is non operational. The links still work but the image is seen as a red x.
SOME PAGE FORMATTING IS NOT APPLIED Again, the page is still operational but It isn’t completely done.
Post your Ideas in this thread about the look of the site what you feel should be improved and if you like the new direction this website is headed in.:D
Your Web Designer,
Lee Matos
Head Design
Mad Media Blitz
PM FOR MORE DETAILSJanuary 22, 2008 at 9:19 pm #55726Letsridebmx104MemberAlso a side note, If you sent me pictures, and you don’t see them on the site now, DON’T PANIC! If you look down the list of pages (27 pages) there will be 26 more opportunities for your header to be on a page! Yes, You heard correct! If you sent me a picture, You have a 95% chance of it being used! How cool is that! 8)
January 22, 2008 at 9:25 pm #55728bmiddaughMemberyahoo!
state meeting is coming up in a few weeks, let’s get Lee some ideas.One more rider stepping up to help BMX racing in NJ.
January 22, 2008 at 10:05 pm #55731bmxmom156Membernice site lee…wow what a refreshing change!
i like the color scheme its really easy on the eyes( even the old ones..) font is nice and big too!! lol
i likehow each track has their own page.
the minutes section….for those who may not be able to get to all the meetings… what about an email list you can add yourself to like the cjbmx newsletter does…to so that once you sign up you automatically get the minutes emailed toyou? schools do it this way once you give them the ok its a done deal… just a thought
i like the faq section very informative…
January 22, 2008 at 10:22 pm #55732Letsridebmx104MemberAs for a Minutes list, Thats a Great Idea! I personally don’t think it would be a problem, It’s also a breeze to do on my end, But the Board/Committee has to approve. Also for the font size another goal is to make the font size selectable IE small medium & Large.
Another note, THIS SITE IS BEST VIEWED AT A RESOULTION OF 1280×1024. One of my main goals was to cater to this need because alot of websites are built for 1024×768, Most likely what BMXMOM is using, and when these sites are displayed on a larger monitor they look lost. This site will look big on a 1024×768 but average on 1280×1024.January 22, 2008 at 11:42 pm #55733bmiddaughMemberA racing website built by a racer.
Thanks for stepping up man, a rocking new site is just what you guys need.
January 23, 2008 at 12:18 am #55735BIGANT-DOGMemberVery good work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Man i just flipped through it, Lee you really know your stuff. I like how scotty welocmes people, and when the site is “final” I will be posting links on all the os and bmxmueum.
January 23, 2008 at 2:21 am #55748bigjeffMemberWell, from one of the board members, I personally think that it looks great.
January 23, 2008 at 2:21 am #55749Letsridebmx104MemberAnt Dog, I can’t take all the Credit, Brett Deserves some as he also helped in the Push for the new website and the information, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, THE HOSTING!
Hopefully, I can get the problem resolved and everything up by Monday.
Fingers Crossed as it is Finals WeekJanuary 23, 2008 at 2:30 am #55750BIGANT-DOGMemberaw brett what doesw he know
J/K both you guys did one hell of a job.
January 23, 2008 at 2:46 am #55752bmiddaughMemberReal change comes from letting young minds free to take things in the direction they see fit.
I think Lee will have the problem fixed very soon….. —
January 23, 2008 at 2:48 am #55753bmiddaughMemberWhen we have the board meeting I will get the info finalized for the site.
That’s just a rough thing right now.January 23, 2008 at 1:29 pm #55762bmiddaughMemberWe will need all the official info on the state series at the next board meeting to get the site ready.
January 23, 2008 at 7:29 pm #55776moderator3MemberI am making this thread an announcement for Lee, good luck with the new site.
January 23, 2008 at 8:13 pm #55779Letsridebmx104MemberThank you for making it an Announcement. I have gotten One of the Problems Fixed, Now moving onto the rest!
Ill Keep you guys updated!
Your Web Designer,
Lee Matos
Head Design -
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