Homepage Forums NJ BMX Racing Old School Racing Lawrenceville War of the Stars, 1980 Reply To: Lawrenceville War of the Stars, 1980


Nope. My friends at the track were just a few locals. Paul Smith was older like me. Bob Ongradi (I think) and another friend. Here is a pic of Bob and friend whom I gave my Torker jersey too. his name escapes me. I gave up the jersey when Langley’s added me in 1980.
I was friends with just one other Trenton rider, but cant remember his name only he lived in apartments not to far from where Hamilton Square and Whitehorse areas meet.
I never hung out with anyone person or group at the races but rather talked to tons of people everyone from Chris Williams to Chris Blondek and of course all the guys my age (16Xs and Pros).

This is not a scanned photo but copied with my digital camera