Whilst (whilst? who the hell uses words like whilst when talking about BMX?…dude what are you in your 40’s?…) chilling at the JPR Am Jam last weekend, I was stoked to see Mike Brasile hanging at the comp. I had met Mike through Dave Pawson over the summer at Jump For Joy 16 where the gents […]
#RememberThis- Victor Devirgilio GHB & Jpr Cycles Web Edit
#RememberThis- Efingers riders find religion in NYC
Justin B. just dropped this editarino on the Efingers blog site . You gotta watch it. The tricks are great, Eric and Dean do the city nasty as usual. What makes this web edit go from, “well that’s sorta interesting” to, “HOLY SH** I JUST BLEW SODA (tea for you heath conscious riders) OUT MY NOSE […]
#RememberThis- Team WallStreet SB killing the blogosphere
#RemeberThis- NoSide Clothing Web Edit
#RememberThis- 9 Years Ago Today. R.I.P. Joe Tiseo
#RememberThis- Subliminal BMX’s August Edit Baby!
#RememberThis- Gary Nilsson Killing It… Gatorade Free Flow Tour Video Edit
Gary has been destroying the NJ comp scene lately and has put out an edit for consideration to the Gatorade Free Flow Tour. Scope this footage it is completely insane. The tech tricks here are somewhere between impossible and not real. Lucasfilm’s SFX department couldn’t duplicate these moves. Here he is GT’s east coast connection…Gary […]