Ok, well…the pump track revolution didn’t actually BEGIN IN New Jersey but New Jersey’s pump track revolution has begun. Alexandria Township Park in Milford, NJ had their first build weekend this past Saturday and Sunday out there and to say it was a total success would be like saying the Atlantic Ocean is a pretty big pond. Only at a pump track would you find a group of Mountain Bike Riders, a few wives, an old BMX rider, a flatland rider and even a dude who remembered the Ramp-Ateria. Yea, it was that kind of time. Every aspect of cycling pulling together to get something done, to make something that matters come together. The pictures on this page as well as here and here are only part of the picture. They don’t show the kids wandering by, the parents walking past and saying to everyone, “what is that”, and when they get the answer saying next, “I’ll be back to try it!”. This will be the first step now for many to discover BMX, whether they go off to race, trail jump, ride park, street ride, flatland or Mountain Bike, this will be the stepping stone, just like those little tabletops we built as kids were the stepping stones for us. Bob Adase and his crew of super positive track builders have come together to ensure future generations of bike riders have legal places to ride. We will continue to update on this as the build goes on, June 5th is opening day. Mark it down on your calendar, ’cause that is when the bike riders will begin to take over. When townships see the positivity of a group of dedicated bike riders there will be no stopping us. For now though peruse the shots and start to think about how to start your own pump track in your town, all it takes is a dedicated crew and a 501c3…remember those from when I was involved in racing? Yea…thought you did…
Dang…was it really just a little over two years ago that I said this revolution would eventually take root….yea…yea it was… From Pump Track To Olympic Track and Buy This Book Join The Revolution