I’m in New Hope, got to debate a couple of christians for 20 minutes on christianity. Interesting, we both decided to go about trying to do good…in different ways.
I needed to debate someone, there hasn’t been a state meeting in months!
I had a run in with 2 sets of jehovah witnesess yesterday. Let’s just say they will not approach me again. And no i did not curse them out but I “confronted them” last time they were hear they rang the bell of an apt. (the woman had been dead for 3 months) Said we are looking for our friend in 1b) Well yesterday i told the 2 guys about that and said “If she were your friend like you claim you wouldhave known she was dead” I promptly went back to cleaning my van and they just had that “deer in headlights look”
I think we all have that deer in the headlghts look when it comes to religion…Believe what you want.. F-U-C-K- everyone else and keep your opinion to yourself……because as most of us have learned nobody really cares what the next person has to say anyway