First, I want to thank all who donated and helped to make the trip to Kentucky for the Presidents Cup possible for the kids from my BMX club. We raised enough to get our guys from the club and their family out to the events, including a passenger van rental and three rooms. The kids thank you! After what seemed like a never ending drive through Pa. and Oh. we reached our destination (13 hours later) in Louisville, Ky. We spent a couple hours getting our heads straight and then headed to Broad Bent arena for sign ups and practice. On to day two, the Presidents Cup Race, a state vs. state race. Some highlights of the day for the jersey gang went like this. Victor Behm won 1st in 15 expert and 1st in 15-16 cruiser, Kevin Laur placed 6th in 10 expert and 4th in cruiser, Dan Smith got a 5th place spot in Elite Open, Zack Dixon 6th in 10 rookie, Nick Stephanek 6th in 7rookie, Jake Bryson 6th in 9 expert, Aiden Timmons 7th in 6 novice, Ant Feinstein 7th, Carl Risley 8th, Mike Kuder 8th 16 rookie. We placed 15th over all. Day three was first day of Christmas Classic and with 200 motos the place was buzzing. Here we have some Jersey standings for you, V. Behm: 4th in 15 expert and 1st in cruiser, D. Smith: 7th in super ex. N. Stephanek: 4th 7 rookie, J. Bryson 6th 8-9 open, A.Timmons: 7th 6 novice and 5th 7-under open, M. Kuder: 2nd 16 rookie, V. Mannino: 7th 19-25 expert, J. Hausle: 1st 40-44 cruiser, S. Levan: 1st 35-39 women cruiser, M. Law: 6th 12 rookie. I lost one of my racers when he was taken out trying to get 2nd place in 13 rookie by another racer and banged his knee up pretty good, the medics told his mom not to allow him to finish due to swelling. His name is Zack McGinnis and he is an amazing racer who got a sponsor ride and new race bike from Pine Hill bike shop for the races. I also lost another racer to extreme asthma problems, and that was my son Danny Dougherty, who was unable to race any of the three days of racing. Both guys kept their spirits up and said they would be looking forward to next year.On to the next day, day four and the last of a long four days. Jersey gang was looking ragged and worn, but as you all know, that’s when Jersey tough is at its best. Here are some results from our Jersey crew, V. Behm: 6th 15E and 1st at 15-16 cruiser, K. Laur: 8th 9-10 cruiser, Z. Dixon: 3rd 10rookie, J. Bryson: 4th 8-9 open, A. Timmons: 8th 7-under open, M. Kuder: 2nd 16rookie, V. Mannino: 6th 19-25E, J. Hausle: 1st 40-44 cruiser, S.Levan: 1st 35-39 women cruiser, M. Law: 6th 12 rookie. Congrats to all the racers who made it to the races and good luck in the 2010 season.Bill”DOC” Dougherty